Sunday, August 12, 2012

This is really cool. When Portuguese beer maker Sagres released a chocolate flavored beer, they decided to celebrate by making their website entirely out of chocolate. What? I was confused at first too. I figured that their website was simply illustrated to look like it was chocolate. Nope. Master chocolatier, Victor Nunes, known for his chocolate sculptures, actually created each component of the interface design - buttons, boxes, text, backgrounds, logo - out of real chocolate, photographed each of the parts and pieces and then their web design firm created a flash website with a stop motion-esque look and feel. Check it out for yourself here (fyi you must be 18+ to view the site since it is for a beer and it is in portuguese, so click the button on the left that says "sim" which means "yes" - you are over 18).

Check out the video of the whole process below:



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